Really Random Thoughts or loose change
...What is so great about wearing high heeled sneakers or workboots? The twain should never meet. It looks circus-like, not in the good Fellini way, just sad.
...Why is it so satisfying when you slide an omlette off the pan and onto a plate?
...Why can't all the psychos who walk around muttering to themselves be paired up? When there's two of them together it looks like they're having a conversation
...Is it just me, or does anyone else look at the weird things they see on the street and think, "performance art"?
...Could someone tell me where all the lost socks go? I'm still waiting for a mate to a pair I've lost two years ago to show up. I have this feeling that once I throw it out, the other one will appear.
...Why can't they have short runway models?? I'm 5 2 1/2 and if I attempted to wear the stuff they showed this past week all you'd see is a tiny head poking out of miles of fabric. NOT FAIR. I'd look like a yorkie trapped in a robe.
...Why can't neccessities be fun instead of boring?
...Why can't I get paid for procrastinating? I do a pretty good job of it.
...Why do I watch my weight? Can't it watch me?
...Why do men always ask women how many pairs of shoes they own? It's not like they're going to borrow them anyway.
...Why do I have to sit still to write my book? Why can't I just rest my head on a ream of paper and let the words fall gently out of my brain. No copy editing needed!
...What is it about the smell of peaches that is so enticing? They smell like summer, earth and delicious parties all wrapped up into one succulent bite.
...Why can't I blink my eyes like Jeanie and all the pots and pans are suddenly clean?
...What do some people insist on using multi-syllabic words (yes, Rose I know the word is polysyllabic, but the other one sounds more fun, okay) to describe things when it's easier to be simplistic? Are they afraid of being thought dumb? I thought brevity was the soul of wit. Do they really know what they're saying or do they just like the sound of their voice?