Sunday, September 21, 2003

The Paper Question

I've been trying to organize my work self the past couple of days and realized an immutable equation that frightens me. Writer = paper, paper = writer. I mean, if you write you've got papers everywhere. On tables, on the floor, in every room. Most of the stuff is research or press releases or some idle thought that may turn into a pitch...the papers keep growing. And growing. It's almost as if you need a file cabinet for the file cabinet.

It doesn't help that I throw things out, the piles keep growing. Sometimes, I have a nagging feeling that I need a paper copy, then remember I've got an excel workbook.

Okay now that frightens me. I've actually spent time and created a workbook that has all sorts of prof. stuff that I use. My question is, will I remember to use it or continue to hunt for an envelope that I scribbled a note on.