Was it Blake who said the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Anyway, I really did mean to write about the insanity that occurred after the Verino event, but things, as always kept happening.
So tonight when I'm in the midst of doing a thousand other things, I reckon I'd stop here and at least write something to prove that I am still alive and kicking.
To recap
- Went with a slew of people to Stone Rose for drinks after the afore mentioned event. One guy, who shall remain nameless simply because I don't remember his name, promptly threw up on a banquette immediately upon entering the bar. Thankfully, I was far away and didn't see the waterfall.
- Went to the cocktail party for the Life Ball at the W Hotel. They had herring as an appetizer. I have nothing against herring, I just prefer it in cream sauce.
- Went to another event with the inimitable Nadja at another W Hotel, this time Union Square, had lots of lovely wine and met really nice people. Had a lot of laughs and ate some wretched Indian food after.
Also met someone who was rather interesting, but also really drunk...
why do I attract drunk men? It must have something to do with the glass of champagne in my hand, no? So, drunk guy calls me three weeks later after the event, and I have no recollection of him at all. Then again, he said it was a different event than the one that I attended, diff hotel name etc., and truth to tell, in New York City, three weeks is a year anywhere else.
- Went to Lauren's housewarming party, she has roof access and at one point all the smokers were crowded under a tiny umbrella while lightening flashed over our heads. Most of the time all of us were tucked into her spacious living room eating and drinking a few too many brown beers. At one point we discussed the myriad ways you could eat peeps. Highly informative if a tad disgusting.
- A little late in the game, I added myself to the Yelp Leukemia & Lymphoma date auction.
- Realized belatedly and rather sadly, that music, which was such a compelling force in my life for so many years - I was a DJ and then a rock writer for gawd's sake, has become just one of those ancillary objects in my life. I've always been emotionally tied to music; it affects you physically, emotionally and psychologically. And yet at this juncture, I don't know who's hot, who's not etc., but I can tell you that you can get a super good copy of hot pink Jimmy Choo pink patent leather peep toes at Payless for $17.99. I guess when the focus of your writing (which is my life) changes, so does everything else. Which leads me to
- What is it about writing, journalism, whatever you want to call the field or what it is that I do, so tied directly to my soul? Setting words down in an coherent order, painting a mental picture for someone, telling a tale, passing information on to other people, people I don't even know, is part of my soul. I can no longer think of not writing than I could no longer think of breathing. It just is part of who I am.
- And once again, I guest lectured for Rosemary Ponzo's stylist to be class at FIT. This time around I didn't scare the students- no, it wasn't intentional- this time I walked with them through the Met Museum and talked about the superhero comic book/movie exhibit. I talked about the history of the comics, why certain colors are used for heroes and villians, how you can use color for psychological cuing when styling a film or TV show etc., and found out later that the students didn't get it. Huh? Oh well, I'll go back to terrorizing them next semester.