Am disgusted with the news coverage of WMD, economy et al. There was never any WMD in Iran. Actually they've been under my bed with my summer clothes the entire time the hunt was on for them. Now I'm wondering what I should do with them--maybe sell them on ebay?
Anyway--realized the other night that the only way to get very good news coverage about America (and I live here mind you, smack dab in NYC) is to watch the BBC. So I divide my news watching between BBC, The Daily Show and the International News Channel. Thank god for cable.
Found myself rooting for Dean during Iowa, especially after his "roar heard 'round the world." Frankly any politician who's not afraid to speak his mind has my vote. I'm so tired of mealymouthed cookie cutter politicians who utter the same pablum day after day. Why can't we (I mean America) elect someone who has a set of balls? Instead of a politician who has the same type of personality as a cold bowl of oatmeal? I'm upset that Dean is running out of money and may fall off into nothingness. My friend Stefanie (she co-wrote Surviving Saturn's Return ) did his chart and he's supposed to be going through some frighteningly bad Saturn transit right now and won't be able to recover his losses and win the democratic nomination. All I can say, and emphatically mind you is,"Waah!"
I don't understand why everyone here seems so complacent and no one's foaming at the mouth regarding Bush lying to America and the entire world not only about Iran, but about having foreknowledge about the terrorist attacks vis a vis 9/11, the dreaded oil connection and everything else. A pres who screws around gets crucified, but a pres who allows thousands of people to die is exempt from vilification? I don't get it.
What's the big deal about presidents having extracurricular activities anyway? This isn't a new trend--there was the teapot dome scandal and quite a few other cases of presidents having the nopantsitis disease.
CBS used to have this reputation as being the daredevil of news gathering. They would gleefully uncover coverups, slick machinations of governments and corporations and now they're as limp as old celery.
Enough of ranting...Am off to get into trouble.
Oh yeah--if there is anyone out there who could assist me in getting the stupid comment feature to work on my blog, please send me an email.